The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital PR
The terms "B2B", "Digital" and "PR" are very different to each other but are essential to an online communications strategy.
A well executed B2B Digital PR campaign will get your business recognised within your market. Not only will you land yourself on the map, you will build your businesses brand, and eventually begin to dominate the market.
So how can B2B Digital PR help your business?
Effective B2B Digital PR can boost the number of third-party endorsements your business has - helping you to build the reputation of your brand. This involves aligning traditional PR with SEO strategies and earning backlinks to your website to improve the Domain Authority and helping your business to rank higher on Google.
We have created a short eBook that guides you through the different tactics and methods of B2B Digital PR.
To download your free copy, simply complete the form for immediate access.
Download our eBook
By downloading this eBook you will discover:
- What is B2B digital PR?
- Does it link into my marketing and SEO strategy?
- How is it different from traditional PR?
- What are some of the tactics I can use in my own campaigns?
- How do I measure and provide value to the business?

A little peek into our eBook...
The biggest difference between these two types of channels is the fact that, while Digital PR has to be considered within a wider online marketing strategy, traditional PR doesn’t - because it can’t.
You can try and predict the amount of people that might read a company article in a print magazine, but you can’t prove that it’s had any effect on the brand. It’s why arguably 1,000 pieces of coverage in newspapers can’t match up to one online story.
There’s also a slight contrast in the way PR professionals work with the digital press. Whereas traditional press titles had a limited amount of time and space to fill, media websites can pick and choose which bits of news they want to publish and when.