Why use Inbound PR? - An exclusive interview with HubSpot's Iliyana Stareva

Written by Mike Davies | 12/10/18 09:27

PR has always been great at content, but rubbish on measurement.


SEO is great at measurement, but not great at content.

The answer?

Inbound PR.

In this exclusive interview, Iliyana Stareva, Global Partner Program Manager at HubSpot and author of "INBOUND PR" discusses her new book and explains how content driven campaigns, backed by analytics is the future of the industry.

As the media landscape has shifted irreversibly towards digital in the last decade, the public relations industry has been forced to change with it.

Successful PR is no longer about press releases and pitching to newspapers.

Nor is it solely about counting coverage or "Advertising Value Equivalence" as a means of campaign measurement.

Modern PR incorporates every aspect of Earned media along with a company's Owned and Paid media channels - be it websites, social media and PPC campaigns - and using analytics and real data to measure success.

This combination of content, traditional media relations and SEO means public relations consultancies can finally prove the ROI of the work they do and justify their impact on the bottom line.

In this interview - at this year's INBOUND 18 conference in Boston - we discussed all this and more with Iliyana as well as taking a look ahead at where the world of PR goes from here.